If you hate people,then you will have to be disappointed your whole life since people are everywhere.You have to learn how to cope with them and remember that you teach people how to treat you.If they are treating you badly,it is because you allow them to.Have you gone to a place and people have recoiled in anger or in fear,well it is because of what you are communicating(vibes).You have to teach people to be happy when they see you.Stop intimidating them.People who are happy not only lead happy lives but also live longest.If people are not treating you well,you have a chance to change that.HOW?You may ask but there is only that one person you have control over an that is yourself.Not your wife or children.Have you ever thought that you have control of your wife,No!you don't have.Your sphere of control over your spouse reaches to until they are in your presence.In your absence,they will do what they choose to.Why do we find people afraid that their spouses will cheat on them and spend the better part of their lives trying to spy on them.Save yourself the agony and just trust them.Have I talked about trust,it is brought about by open communication with them.Do you feel that there is something that you need to tell your spouse and then you keep procrastinating,procrastination is the thief of time they say,so say it today.If you treat them right and satisfy all the aspects of your relationship that you are supposed to play.If you play your part satisfactorily,then worry no more because people learn by the small efforts we accord them.If they cheat on you,save yourself the agony of revenge.Revenge makes you bitter and not better.Nothing gets resolved through it.You will only live with the guilt of cheating yourself into an urge which will never be satisfied.
Treat them right without expecting much in return,eventually you will be the winner.
If they do not reciprocate in the longrun,then the best thing is to move out but first seek professional help. Nobody deserves to be treated badly repetitively .Have you ever seen a couple where one of them likes to put the other down in public,this shows signs of serious low self esteem issues.People that have inferiority complex like to put others down so that they can justify their lack of confidence in themselves.Treat your patners right if you expect them to do the same.If they wrong you,forgive them if they are not major mistakes. This will save you the baggage that later develops to stress.Avoid carrying grudges for so long. When you have diagreements,avoid reminding them about mistakes or issues that have been passed by time and stick to the issues as at that time.All in all,remember that happiness in your life is influenced by the quality of thoughts in your mind.If they are happy thoughts,then you will be happy and vicevesa .If you feel unhappy when you wrong people and they refuse to forgive you,then learn to forgive those that wrong you.Since we are not perfection itself,note others are not likewise perfect.
Of children according to the Bible,spare the rod spoil the child.Thats true and I back that up .Common sense although not common tells us that if you have showed your child the right way to follow and they fail,the most logical thing is to discipline them.But if you have not shown them the right way and you preach to them water as you drink wine,then do not be hasty to being annoyed.Show them the right way first.We are living in a very strange world.Ican sum it into four words,'man eat man society.'We find older generation sleeping with their children,rape cases,suicide cases etc.
These should not shape ou destiny.We should change our destiny by changing the vices on an individual level. eg. rape cases are not caused solely by drugs victims only.The people that rape if you have been following court proceedings lately,the majority of them have been sexually violated when they were younger..We can stop this on an individual level in that we can teach our children what to do when they are sexually violated and try to avoid all forms of sexual violation on them.In so doing,we can be sure that those children stand a high chance of not raping anyone and are capable of avoiding all forms of sexual harasment be it from older relations or peers.I have heard of parents who are scared that their children are into drugs or live in fear oblivious whether their children do drugs.Fear is a very negative form of energy and can make one do all sort of things.The first thing is to give them information about the effects of drug abuse but this does not mean that they will not be taken.So where do we go from here?We must establish the root causes that make the use of drugs inevitable.For most youthis about disappointments in relationships,unemployment and social pressures as they grow up.We should all know that if you treat people as they are,they remain the same.However,if you treat them as they should be,they eventually will be.We can teach people how toact in situations but the power lies with them to choose how to act.If you have sincerely done your part,leave the rest unto God and live your life.
Parents should teach their children how to deal with situations early in life.When they become mature and independent,they should let go.They should know that if they did the right parenting,soon the results will come around.They should learn that noone is a replica or photocopy of another and mature people form their own personalities.Parenting influences peoples behaviour even in adulthood.There are hoever people that are extremist in life.This may not even reflect on the parenting they had.Mature people are responsible for their every actions.There are also societal expectations on such people.They face the repurcussions and consequences of their actions.
We cannot all be the same and do the same things in exactly the same way.Differences make the world more comfortable and not similarities.Imagine a world where we were doing the same thing and thinking about the same things.It would be monotonous and boring.Our differences are what unites us,not similarities.In those differences,it magnifies different ideas.Learn to appreciate people who think and act differently from you.Two people can see the same thing and disagree and still be both right.It is not logical but pschological(stephen covey)It is because of the varying level of emotions we attach on different circumstances.
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