Peter(name withheld)
Mr peter(deleted)
Hi Mr.Peter !This is my response to a previous session with you.The reason why people find it difficult to start up and run a business in this area is because there is so much negativity going around for free and this leaves people wondering whether they will realize their dreams.You have the aspiration yes!but the prevailing circumstances make it look like the visions will never become tangible realities.In business you must risk failure and instead acquire hidden knowledge and skills.According to Patric Wakimeyo the reason why people keep their wealth in idea form only is because of lack of financial capital or some skills to translate those ideas into a physical equivalent.The first step and that you have done is to have a concrete idea in your mind.However,ask yourself if that is what you really want to do because many successful people we see around are still looking for something else to satisfy them and this is what is called purpose in life.By purpose I mean the thing you love doing and it satisfies you.This means it will create a great deal of motivation within you.
Why do I say this,you may wonder .But in business you have to undertake risks.For every business that you undertake,there is always a risk of an equivalent loss.God forbid!Besides that,the customer turn over is likely to be low for a start up business bearing in mind that customers are not used to your nature of business.You have to gain customers trust and royalty as you progress.The main reason why businesses close shop after only a short period of operation is because the owners(entrepreneurs) do not have contingent fund. This fund consist of money set aside to run the business for a period of about six months before the business begins to pick up.Another reason is because people start business for the sole purpose of making money,so if the business fails to make money at first,they despair.Money will never be enough even though there is more money in the world than there are people.The only purpose of running a business should be to satisfy a need that you have seen in the society and money will come in Newcity there is a need by people about M-PESA services.The minimum for start up in this area is about ksh30000.Where will you get the money? you may ask.The main reason we are not successful in life,is because we are always thinking what we want to be.This is wrong thinking.Always think about what you can Iwill operate a supermarket in five years and that is why am saving ksh3800 a month to enable me to get the reacquired start up capital to run it.
In finance(acquiring money to start up and run a business)saving is the core.I always advise clients that if their objective is to acquire loans,they should save their money through saccos eg Taifa sacco and not banks.The reason is because saccos are started to help members to acquire loans at low interest rate.A bank is created to offer loans at interest since they get their money through the interest they charge on those if you save ksh3500 in a sacco each month for five years, it will translate to ksh262000 plus the interest that money will earn you considering the rate of inflation.
You can look at another market need in your area.In the next year,the place will probably have electricity and therefore the need of battery charging(solar powered ones) because most people will not afford to pay for the connection fee of electricity.The battery chargers from chrolide exide cost from ksh19000-ksh24000.It is easy to recover your money as the business is capable of earning ksh1000-ksh3000 daily that translates to ksh30000-ksh60000 monthly respectively.
You can also engage in agriculture(horticulture)and the list is endless from tomatoes,cabbages,french beans etc.Most people in this area are hesitant as they always say they undergo losses during the dry periods and the cost of Mutitu water(MWAWASCO) is very high.But I tend to differ because they always sell their produce to brokers who buy their produce at very low prices .Consider a a case of John(deleted) who I spoke to from Machakos(relatively dry place)He does not have water connection in his farm and uses drip kits(cost ksh10000-ksh15000) to irrigate his half acre piece of land using a tank-kentank.He plants the anna f1 tomato type and since he grows two seasons annually,he gets a gross income of ksh1.5 million.
Other lucrative businesses that can do well in this area are dairy cows(freshian and arshire),fish farming-have capacity to earn ksh45000 in six months.I got this information from extension official(vetinally wa Rare)
If you dont take a radicle audit of your life,it will be radically different from what you expected.SAVE!SAVE!SAVE!
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